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Bite Edge – The combination of sweet potato mousse
Rich mocha coffee flavour filled with creamy cheese.
Double the cheese for serious cheese lovers.
스테이크 시카고 피자
Double mozzarella cheese, string cheese, beef steak, pepperoni, tomato, icing sugar, parmesan cheese, tomato sauce
페페로니 피자
pepperoni, mozzarella cheese
포테이토 피자
Ham, onion, potato wedge, bacon, corn, mayonnaise, mozzarella cheese
이탈리안 치즈 피자
Mozzarella cheese, Pizzamaru special tomato pizza sauce
Bite Edge – The combination of sweet potato mousse
Rich mocha coffee flavour filled with creamy cheese.
Double the cheese for serious cheese lovers.
랜치 포모도 피자
Tomato, parmesan cheese, sweet ranch sauce, Salad mix, mozzarella cheese
하와이안 BBQ 피자
pineapple, Salad mix, bacon, BBQ sauce, mozzarella cheese
콘치즈 피자
Corn, mayonnaise, mozzarella cheese
크랩쉬림프 피자
crab stick, sweet ranch sauce, Sriracha mayo, mozzarella cheese